Step 1. As A First Time Guest
Be welcomed into one of our services at 10.00am or 6.30pm, at Hope Centre Lower Hutt, 8 Downer Street.
Step 2. After The Service
Join us in our GUEST LOUNGE after the 10.00am morning service for a complementary LUNCH.
Step 3. As A Returning Guest
Join us again in our GUEST LOUNGE after the 10.00am morning service for another complementary LUNCH.
Step 4. Attend A DNA Lunch
Every 6 weeks we run a DNA lunch after the morning service. This is a chance to hear the history of Hope Centre and meet the pastors.
Step 5. Dessert Night
Attend a dessert night at Pastors Paul and Jodie’s place. Meet other leaders and get to know more about Hope Centre.
Step 6. Become A PIV (Partner in the Vision)
We welcome new members by praying for them in the service and welcoming them into the family
(or you can choose a private prayer after the service if you prefer).
Step 7. Join A Connect Group
Small groups are a core part of church life. We have many Connect Groups that meet during the week, and there will be one that suits you.
Step 8. Become involved
There are so many ministries and areas of service that flow from Hope Centre. Within these, you will find a place to belong, using your gifts and talents to help build the church.
If you're new or you've been coming along for a while and want to be a part of what we do here at Hope Centre, please reach out to us today. We would love to talk with you.